Sunday, May 11, 2008

Jasper GPU for Xbox 360 Gaming Console, to be Introduced Soon

Microsoft is stern on its decision to increase its sales. And to reach that path, the company has planned to upgrade the GPU of the Xbox 360. After the August launch of a Falcom 65-nm CPU and a 90-nm GPU, a revamped GPU that would replace the 90-nm GPU is set to release. This latest version will be come under the codename Jasper.
The Xbox 360 gaming console is expected to consume less power thanks to the 65nm manufacturing process. It is said that the enhanced hardware also checks into the so-called red ring of death matter that defuncts the 360. The main reason is overheating.
According to BetaNews, the 65-nm Xenon microprocessors, which are used in the Xbox 360 are packaged and tested by IBM, whereas the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) and the northbridge (memory controller hub) are developed by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC).
Meanwhile, Microsoft will apparently roll out Pegatron’s Blu-ray equipped Xbox 360 gaming console very soon. The company boasts to achieve over 60 percent of GTA IV games sold in the first week.
The new GPU Jasper is slated to unveil by August.

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